Ciekawe komentarze z hackernews

HTTP Rest toolkit, postMan alternative, &vsCode extension

system automation tools, (AHK, Hammerspoon, Espanso)

This project will only take 2 hours

Trie in JavaScript: The data structure behind autocomplete

Interview grading framework

SSH tunneling explained

Books recommendations deep learning

Elder.js svelte framework

RTS Gamein C, Very nice code quality

Vite vs Webpack 2021

HTML Boilerplate 2021

The architecture behind a one-person tech startup (

Why I don't like Tailwind CSS

Before You Memo() (

Split the parts that change from the parts that don’t change: 1) move state down or 2) lift content up, use {children}

An interactive guide to CSS transitions

Thinking to much can be bad for you

Alfred Whitehead's observation that 'civilisation advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them'. Progress is being made by holistically integrating knowledge in a way that makes it sort of ambient.

SSH tunnels - visual guide

Achieving 11M IOPS & 66 GB/s IO

Comments on hosting email serever, (gmail issues)

2010 How to store a password

REST vs gRPC w kontekście AWS ALB

Bash scripting 2020, interesting comments

Linux Productivity Tools (2019) [pdf]

Comments on UserScripts

Bash mv foo-bar-{baz,quux}.txt

Gmailctl - Declarative Configuration for Gmail Filters

Complete e-commerce, MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, Node.js, Mongoose ORM, Redis

The Bash Hackers Wiki (

Ansible playbooks to build and maintain your own private cloud

Show HN: Simple way to share state using React Hooks and Context

State management is messy, that's clearly an area where the problem still hasn't been solved. The main issue is that state means too much really.

  • There's your (typically) main source of truth: the database.
  • Then your server may maintain some state (although nowadays this is not common, thankfully).
  • Then there's the frontend app state, which loads from the server/db, and may or may not staty up to date.
  • On top of this you have temporary frontend state (unsaved changes),
  • and finally pure UI state (hovering things, "show more"... )

Maintaining state is an easily solved problem severely over engineered by frameworks. The central issue why this becomes so complicated is because developers who aren't comfortable writing original code would rather deal with an ocean of configurations than a few architectural decisions.

That is problematic because configurations are settings not decisions, which means you need work arounds for edge cases and work arounds for the work arounds. If instead you treat everything as a requirement instead of anything as an edge case then you are forced to make decisions and write the corresponding code. New requirements may necessitate refactoring of current decisions down the road, but the code stays clean, small, and deliberate.

At the most simple you only need three things: a central consolidated point of settings (object), storage (localStorage), and interactions isolated to their respective purpose (handlers).

Next.js 8 released (

What ORMs have taught me: just learn SQL (2014) (

How to build a plugin system on the web and also sleep well at night (

Understanding modern UEFI-based platform boot (

Whitespace killed an enterprise app

the design incorporated white space in all of the usual places—around headers, content blocks, and in table rows. The breathing room was glorious. It lasted one month before the company was forced to retire it. Users absolutely hated the new system. Sure, the old system was ugly, but it had everything they needed, right at their fingertips!

Why I Write CSS in JavaScript (

Gdybym kiedyś zastanawiał się nad cssInJs, to komentarze mogą być przydatne

Immersive Linear Algebra: Table of Contents

A Short Intro to Constraints (

Rules for autocomplete 2019 [jeremy mikkola]

React Router 5, alternatives

Show HN: A Color Picker I Made (

Redis streams as a pure data structure (

Sonic: Fast, lightweight and schemaless search back end in Rust

An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM

Convert plain text diagrams (

A guide to difficult conversations (


When [observation], I feel [emotion] because I’m needing some [universal needs]. Would you be able to [request]?

When to use TypeScript

To ORM or Not to ORM

HTTP headers for the responsible developer (

JavaScript Array.push is 945x faster than Array.concat (

[] Build Your Own React