
Dom Helper

// dom Helper
const dom = {
  get: function(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id)
  create: function(tagName, classListString, parent, labelString) {
    let el = document.createElement(tagName)
        .replace(/(,|\.)/g, ' ')
    if (parent && parent.nodeType > 0) {
    if (labelString) {
      el.textContent = labelString
    return el
  div: function() {
    return this.create('div', ...arguments)
  span: function() {
    return this.create('span', ...arguments)

// How to use
const appEl = dom.get('app')

// arguments: classListString, parentEl, label
const box1 = dom.div('box red dotted', appEl)
const box2 = dom.div('.box, .red, .dotted', appEl) // dots and commas, no problem
box2.textContent = 'This is red dotted box'

// example with label
const label = 'Button click Me!'
const button = dom.div('button red', appEl, label)